High quality assets for your FiveM server

Our team of developers offers creative and reliable script development services for your servers. We provide installation and startup assistance, so you don't have to worry about buying something that won't work properly.

We put our focus on highly optimized scripts

In our work, we focus on writing optimized code, which allows for fast and efficient scripts. As a result, your game will always be smooth!

Simplicity in installation

Our scripts are adapted to support the most popular frameworks on the market.

Check out our team


Fullstack Developer

Scriptforge's script developer, ProdigyRP developer, aspiring game developer.


Fullstack Developer

Scriptforge's founder, ProdigyRP developer, computer engineering student with 5 years of experience in creating FiveM resources.


Vehicle modder

Scriptforge's vehicle modder


Fullstack Web Developer

Script and web developer for Scriptforge.gg. Physics student focusing in differential geometry and topology. I have 4 years of experience in creating FiveM scripts and I am a developer at Prodigy Roleplay.


Fullstack Developer

Scriptforge's script developer.


Projektant grafik

Graphic and texture designer.

background image

Question regarding our products?

On our discord server we will answer any questions you may have!